Be a attractive personality

How can you grow yourself, who are you, how would you the best version of yourself, be that person, people start to admire you, change is only consented thinking of life, change your personality and become an ideal for the entire world 
Here are some tips and ways to develop yourself 


You have all knowledge about the topics, you can explain everything about the specific topics, but your obstacles is only your fear, how can you overcome fear, you have a lack of confidence, work on it, and try to speak fluently and confidently, be confident.

Spend time with positive people 
It is important that who is your friend, if you spend your time with a negative person, definitely you will turn into a negative person, spend your time with a positive person, you will be a positive person, try to laugh, and enjoy your time with happy people.

Compliment others  

Don't hesitate to compliment others, it gives you positivity, you feel good about you and others too, acknowledge people, give them attention, if you like good things in their attitude, give them a compliment, compliment just like a tree, you have a tree in your garden if you want that it grows faster, go and talk with the tree in a positive way, only talk positive things near the tree, after some time you will find that the tree growing fast compliment works! Praise people if they are capable.

Develop a sense of humour

How to make others laugh, don't mock on people, laugh at yourself, surprisingly make jokes on yourself, be around with funny people, watch a comedy show, it will help you to laugh on yourself follow the rule be happy to make happy.

Communication skills, 

If you are work on your talking style it is more beneficial for you, always be alert, what to say, how to say, how would impress the people use the simple and sober word whenever you talk, try to speak fluently and effectively with people.


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